How To Happy – About Us (Video)

Welcome To The Site.

The main goal of how to happy is to find tools we can all use to be happier. To get the most out of the material, I’ll be looking to make it as actionable as possible. While the channel will cover broad topics, I’ll do my best to tie everything back into happiness.

The other big goal for this project is to bring people together and crowdsource ideas. I’m open to feedback and would love to hear your thoughts. If there’s anything you want me to look into, let me know!


How’s it going everyone? I’m Dono and this is how to Happy. For this video I kinda wanted to just explain about us a little bit more kind of the background and introduction and what I’m really hoping to accomplish with How To Happy. So the main overarching goal is that over time I’ve learned there’s a lot of different tools that we can use to be happier. I’ve noticed that a lot of the materials kind of get mixed together and by that I mean there’s some material that’s really useful and can really add a lot of value to your life, there’s other material that sounds nice but is a little bit harder to execute on.

So at How To Happy I’m trying to get you the most practical information that you can use. So we’ll take bigger concepts, bigger ideas, break it down and then use a really specific question or exercise. I think that basically by looking at a ton of different tools over time, eventually you’re going to find a few that click. You’re going to find some that don’t, but my goal is to rip out as much of the woo-woo kind of stuff that’s really hard to implement and give you really tight, actionable steps at every turn.

Coming Together To Be Happier

The channel is probably going to move into some broad areas just based on what people ask and interests. The other big goal in creating this project is to give people a place to come together that are looking to accomplish similar types of things. There’s something really powerful in getting likeminded people together, that’s how you can crowdsource everyone’s ideas to get some of the best, most applicable material.

As I go through these materials and start looking for ways to be happier and cover theses topics there’s probably going to be information that I don’t nail 100%. I’m completely open to having anyone leave comments as feedback, let me know if you see something that’s off or odd, I’m more than willing to reconsider or do further research on certain positions.

Help Me Help You

Another thing is, if you have any questions, if there’s anything that you want me to look into please let me know. I’m happy to take time and dig in on some of this stuff, as long as it ties back in some way to happiness. However, I’ve found that happiness is pretty broad there’s a lot of different stuff that we can work on. So we’ll probably jump into a lot of different realms. I will try to pull everything back into happiness and tie it together because I feel like that’s the point of the channel. If I just wanted to talk about mental tricks for productivity, then it would just be a productivity channel but I’m going to try to tie everything back into happiness.

Interact With Us!

With that being said I feel like we covered the basics, if you have any questions, comments feel free to put them down in the box below. Like I said if there’s subjects that you want me to cover, please let me know – I will look into it and start researching it. Thanks for spending a few minutes with me and I’ll see you next time.

You can check out more content at Also, don’t forget to subscribe so you can stay up to date on the videos. We’ve also got a twitter, instagram, and facebook that you can check out. Reflect, take action, and enjoy life. See you next time.

Reflect, Take Action, and Enjoy Life

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