What Is Happiness? – 5 Areas Of Life To Balance

Balance, hand holding a marble

With the dominance of technology in our lives, we’re moving faster than ever before. We can now get more done, communicate faster, and have a higher standard of living. The problem is many of us are not happy. With all the advancements we should have a fast, simple way to achieve happiness and balance, preferably in 140 characters or less.

I’m going to tell you one simple thing you need to do to be happier!

Are you ready for the answer? There’s just one thing you need and I’m about to tell you what it is, just click here and give us your credit card number…….ok we lied, this isn’t about selling you something. Happiness is a lot more complex than marketing agencies make it out to be, but that doesn’t stop them from selling it to you. Some even go so far as to say their one simple solution is all you need to be happy. The disappointing part is it works, the promise of easy happiness is powerful. Time and time again, people buy a product, consume it, and go back to feeling unfulfilled. Deep down, we all know it takes more than a single purchase to be happy in the long term.

Fine, then what do we have to do to be happy?

It’s easy, read this snappy, straightforward blog article about the top 3 things you have to do to be happy tomorrow! A list of 3 things and an overnight transformation should give you the soul-searching depth required to figure out what life is about and how to get the most from it. Right? Every time you read through one of those lists, your life is permanently and irrevocably changed for the better. Or maybe it’s a quick feel good piece that, after a day or two, leaves you in the exact same spot you started. There has to be a better answer.

It’s not that easy.

The problem is the answer to happiness isn’t nearly as sexy as a buyable product or a list of 3 simple actions. The answer is intentionally building your life, while searching for fulfillment and happiness along the way. There is no instant gratification for this issue and that’s enough to make people give up altogether. While you may be able to distract yourself with digital screens and general busyness for a period of time, most of us will eventually find a void that we need to address. How can we be proactive about filling these voids?

5 Areas To Happiness

At How To Happy we believe there are 5 areas which, when balanced, introduce happiness into life. These areas are mental, physical, relationships, philosophy (or spirituality), and finances. Here is an introduction to how we think about these areas:


The Mental category is an umbrella covering topics related to mental health, self-esteem, and growth via education or life experience. It can be thought of as how you feel about yourself and the world around you, in conjunction with your knowledge. More specific topics under Mental are depression, anxiety, self-worth, doubt, education opportunities, etc. When this area is in balance it means you value yourself highly, are coping effectively with any mental health problems, and are growing as an individual.


Physical covers topics related to your health including exercise, diet, sleep, and anything else pertaining to your body. Each person’s physical makeup is different and will need different things to run optimally. It may take some fine tuning and experimentation to find out exactly what works best for you. There are also some general things we should be doing to stay healthy, such as sleeping regularly and eating vegetables, which are fairly universal. When physically in balance your body is healthy and feels good.


 Relationships is the area that covers how you interact with others and the quality of connections in your life. This includes topics such as communication, negotiation, friendships, family, and just about anything else that involves interaction with another individual. Some of us may prefer to spend more time alone, or more time with people, but we all have to deal with others at some point. When this area is in balance you’ll feel like you interact with people effectively and have necessary social supports.


Philosophy (or Spirituality) is concerned with the why behind our actions and our beliefs about how the world operates. These beliefs create moral understandings that guide our actions and color experiences. This area could contain religion (if you have one), or be completely secular. Your philosophy also influences what you believe the purpose of life is and how you choose to live. When this area is in balance you feel at peace with your place in the world and content with your beliefs.


The area of finances covers your occupation and how you spend money. For the majority of us, work consumes a significant portion of our time. It only makes sense to find meaningful work that resonates with who you are. You also have to make enough money to live your preferred lifestyle, which is different for each person. For some that lifestyle will include yachts, while for others it is simply knowing the bills are covered on a small home. When this area is in balance you see value in your work and can live the lifestyle you desire.

An Interwoven Network

The way we’ve described these core areas may sound as though they are distinct and separate, but that is certainly not the case. They are deeply interwoven and effects in one area often ripple into others. For example, if you feel poorly about yourself, you may struggle to build positive relationships. People may take advantage of you because you feel that’s what you deserve. This is an interaction between mental and relationships. We must recognize the importance of interactions between each area to create lasting happiness.

The good news is these interactions can also work in your favor. If you figure out a way to better manage your money, suddenly you can afford a gym membership. Turns out that new membership is enough to keep you exercising consistently. Then your self-esteem increases because you know you’re more physically fit, and so on. More synergies create better balance; better balance leads to more happiness. This kind of work is what it takes to be truly happy.

Start Working Toward Balance Today!

The framework we’ve laid out today may not be simple or instantaneous, but it is honest and effective. At How to Happy we’ll be building out tools and ideas to help you work on these areas. We urge you to start thinking about how you can find more balance and happiness. By identifying opportunities in these areas, you can find ways to improve your life. Happiness may take a little work, but it is worth the effort.

I encourage you to participate and build our community! If you have any questions or topics you’d like me to cover, please let me know. I’d be happy to look in to them for you.

ANSWER THE EXERCISE IN THE COMMENTS: Analyze each of the 5 sections for strengths and weaknesses in your life. Did anything surprise you?

Reflect, Take Action, and Enjoy Life


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