A solid network constantly generates opportunity. Each person has their own resources, which multiply exponentially the more people you know. You don’t have to go to networking or constantly harass people to grow your network, just find a venue that works for you and plays to your strengths. This can […]
Creating and maintaining good habits is hard. It’s a little easier if we can tie emotional rewards to them. The process of changing might be difficult and frustrating, but the outcomes shouldn’t be. How can you reinforce a good habit? #social #environment #influence #society #howtohappy #psychology #positivity #love #positivevibes #motivation […]
Happy Thoughts: August 09, 2020 at 11:15AM
Connection is hard in the modern world. There are plenty of ways to stay away from others, avoiding interaction all together. This tends to leave us feeling isolated and drained. The small interactions matter. Getting off your phone at the checkout stand, to listen to your family, etc. It may […]
Happy Thoughts: August 07, 2020 at 06:10PM
Many of us have a negative relationship with emotions. Instead of embracing and processing them, we avoid or bury them. This results in emotional buildups which create further negative experiences. Learning the use of our emotions and how to handle them in our lives is much more effective. Of course, […]
Happy Thoughts: August 05, 2020 at 02:10PM
Change is never easy. Yet, many of us let days, months, or years of discomfort go by because the change seems too hard. We keep jobs we don’t like, stay with partners we’re not interested in, or keep abusing our bodies even as we feel the ill effects. It takes […]
Happy Thoughts: August 03, 2020 at 12:00PM
Much of the world is out of our control. Focusing on it in a way we’re stuck wishing things were different doesn’t produce any change, only frustration. We can only control certain aspects of life. Working through our relationship and reactions to external events gives us much more power in […]