
This tag means that this is one of our resources; such as a book, course, or something else.

  Best for: Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind is best for those who have a general curiosity about the history of humanity from a number of different angles. It is also best for those who appreciate diverse topics and unique angles but can digest opinionated viewpoints. Difficulty to digest: […]

Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Harari

Best for:  Never Split the Difference is best for those interested in negotiation from the standpoint of a former FBI negotiator. It is also best for those who are interested in a range of negotiation techniques, with a slightly more aggressive slant.  Difficulty to digest: Never Split the Difference is […]

Never Split The Difference By Chris Voss- Book Review

“Mindscaping” focuses on everything Donovon has learned about happiness using a metaphor about shaping your mind and the process for doing so. $0.99 ebook right now. Other offers will run periodically. Amazon link: ➥➥➥ Check Out Some of Our Previous Book Reviews ! ➥➥➥ ❤️ Richest Man In Babylon […]

A Discussion Of The Book Mindscaping – HappyTalks

Best for: This book is primarily for those looking to overcome problems with anxiety. It may also be of interest to those who like psychology and want to learn about anxiety Difficulty to digest: Rewire your anxious brain is moderately difficult to understand. It used a good amount of psychology […]

Rewire Your Anxious Brain by Catherine Pittman and Elizabeth Karle ...

stepping in gum
Best for:  Made To Stick is best for those who want to learn about what makes ideas stand out and stay around. Also for those who have ideas they want to spread or want to improve at getting ideas across. Difficulty to digest: Made To Stick is very conversational with […]

Made To Stick By Dan Heath & Chip Heath – ...

hand holding plant to represent growth mindset
Best for:  Mindset is best for those who want to learn about Growth Mindsets. Also good for those interested in learning general psychology or frequently-cited personal development material. Those who really enjoy case studies, experiments, and examples. Difficulty to digest: Mindset contains a huge number of examples and moves slowly […]

Mindset by Carol Dweck – Book Review