When something unexpected happens, most of us immediately panic and worry. This is completely natural, although it isn’t the best way to deal with a problem or situation that occurs. We shouldn’t feel bad that we are feeling anxious at that moment, but we should try to practice awareness of […]
Monthly Archives: December 2020
When we’ve only had limited interactions with someone and don’t have all the details, we tend to fill in the blanks ourselves. We run small details through our own filters and rules about how we believe the world works/ how should work. This results in us completely misunderstanding one another […]
Happy Thoughts: December 04, 2020 at 11:45AM
Metacognition is so important for rewiring and understanding our thoughts. Without fully understanding where our thoughts come from, or what our thought patterns are based on, we can’t create any sort of positive change. Metacognition is an extremely valuable skill when put into practice. For example, if you hate going […]
Happy Thoughts: December 03, 2020 at 11:28AM
We all have those semi-toxic relationships; those individuals who we like, but who are greatly flawed, and most of our time is spent dealing with those flaws. There’s a cost involved in being around these people too much. Every minute spent dealing with their challenging sides, is time that could […]